S.H.A.R.E Your Summer Serve the older adult community Help with projects * Assist our professional staff * Realize the joy of making a difference in someone else’s life * Explore new opportunities Westminster Woods on Julington Creek’s Teens who S.H.A.R.E. volunteer program may be for you if: *You are or will be 13 years old by June 1, 2017. You are enthusiastic and able to show compassion to others Activities may include: visiting with residents, going on bus outings, helping with water aerobics, assisting with clerical tasks, assisting activities staff members in a variety of ways. We look forward to being able to SHARE in your fun this summer! * We are an active living retirement community, located at 25 State Road 13, just south of the Julington Creek Bridge
To apply: Contact Pam Benfer, Director of Volunteers
287-7181 or pbenfer@wservices.org no later than May 23nd. Orientation sessions will be held in May. Volunteers
will start the week of June 12th and should plan to commit to one or
two 4 hour shifts weekly.
This blog will help middle school students get ready for high school. We will explore programs, websites, and interest inventories. We will learn a lot about ourselves and be able to select the best possible high school journey for success in our college and career choice!