
October 29, 2015

AICE Tours for Duval County Public Schools

School Contact
Fletcher High School
January 28th
6:30 PM
Virginia Hays
Mandarin High School
November 5th
6:00 PM
Jennifer Oglesby
Terry Parker High School
Tours will be every Tuesday in November. Please contact to RSVP.
8:30 AM
Christy Thacker
Paxon High School
November 5th
6:30 PM

Krystal Culpepper
November 10th
November 12th
9 AM
Ed White High School
November 2nd
6:00 PM
Dustin Cark
November 9th
Samuel W. Wolfson High School
November 19th
8:30 AM
Brandi Benga

October 27, 2015

Mandarin AICE Program


Parents will be able to learn about the expectations of students in the AICE program. AICE coordinator, Mrs. Jennifer Oglesby, School Administrators, Guidance and current AICE teachers will be available to meet and to discuss our excellent program. In addition, current AICE students will be present to give tours of the school as well as answer any possible questions. In order to be considered for the AICE program, students must maintain a minimum overall GPA of 3.0. Students must obtain a level 4/5 on the eighth grade FSA and have taken Algebra 1 by the end of the 8th grade. Private school candidates must submit a copy of standardized test scores. We look forward to seeing you!

“One of the things we find with students who have studied Cambridge International AS and A Levels is that they have a real depth of understanding of the subject matter that they have had classes in, and a real engagement with it.” - Stuart Schmill, Dean of Admissions, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Contact Information: Email: 
Address: 4831 Greenland Road, Jacksonville, FL 32258
You’re Invited to Open House
Date: Thursday, November 5
Time: Tours will begin at 5pm, followed by an informational program at 6pm
Location: Mandarin High School Auditorium

October 26, 2015

College: Support for Students with Disabilities

    **New** College Bound – Transitioning to College: What Are the Support Services for Students with Disabilities?

November 2, 5:00P.M. -6:30 P.M., Speaker: Denise Giarrusso, Associate Director of Student Engagement, FSCJ – Deerwood Center. This presentation will review the process for students who are transitioning from high school to college. We will review Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the ADA and the ADAA as they relate to the responsibilities of the student and the college.  We will discuss the types of academic and support services available to the student who self-identifies their disability to the college and review the various program and degree options  and extracurricular activities offered at the college. Register online at   

Red Ribbon Week Activities

Mandarin Middle School 
Red Ribbon Week Activities

Monday - Wear crazy socks

Tuesday - October 27 - Pledge Signing During Lunch

Wednesday - October 28 - Wear Black

Thursday - October 29 - Wear RED and SUNGLASSES
                   Winners for Door Decorating Contest will be announced!
                    1st, 2nd, 3rd Place Winners Receive a Pizza Party!

Friday - October 30 - No School - Planning Day for Teachers

Free Test Taking Strategies Session

Test Taking Strategies That Work

Bonefish Grill
10950 San Jose Blvd.
Jacksonville, FL 32223

October 26, 2015

To register go to
Walk-ins are welcome

This FREE course will include ways to master reading skills that can be used to reach proficiency on classroom and standardized tests.

October 21, 2015

Kids Together Against Cancer

Kids Together Against Cancer. Support for families dealing with a parent's cander journey.

Help for children with a parent with cancer
  Please join us on TUESDAYS for our monthly art workshop
ages 5 to 17
We invite parents and children to join us for a fun art project and have the opportunity to meet others facing the same challenges
 Tuesday, October 27th 2015
6:00pm to 7:15pm 
Neviaser Educational Institute
4266 Sunbeam Road, Bldg 100
Jacksonville, FL  32257
Open to all families who have a parent with cancer.  KTAC supports children when mom or dad are facing a cancer diagnosis.  Please call 742-2916 to register for our monthly groups or for more information. 

Art brings families together at our programs

October 20, 2015

Fall Family Festival

AVID: WICOR Strategy of the Month

AVID – WICOR Strategy of the Month:
Socratic Seminar
A Socratic Seminar is dialogue where students seek deeper understanding of complex ideas. Students evaluate ideas, issues, and values in texts and share different perspectives. The discussion is a dialogue not a debate. Students are encouraged to share these ideas and think out loud, while asking higher order questions in a polite manner. 

October 17, 2015

How Did Red Ribbon Week Start?

The Meaning of Red Ribbon Week

Red Ribbon Week: How Did it Start?

How did Red Ribbon Week start?  It started with a true life story about a federal agent named Kiki Camarena.  He had a passion to end substance abuse and crime in the USA.  Read his story here.  The questions at the end of the story will help you have good discussions with your children. 
The Meaning of Red Ribbon Week
                When Kiki Camarena was young, he decided to join the Marines.  After serving his country as a Marine, he joined the police force.  His career brought him further when he next joined the Drug Enforcement Agency as an agent for the government of the United States.  He felt this was the best thing to do because he truly cared about helping people and stopping drugs.  His mother was very concerned about Kiki’s career path and the dangers of his job.  She tried to talk him out of it.  Kiki told his mother that in his heart he could not quit his work.  He said, “I’m only one person, but I want to make a difference.” 
            In 1985, the DEA sent Kiki to work undercover in Mexico.  For weeks he lived among the drug cartel and gathered information and evidence.  He was ready to wrap up his assignment when the drug dealers figured out what he was up to.  They discovered his identity.  He was kidnapped and tortured to death. 
            People that knew Kiki felt sorrow when they learned of his death.  To honor his memory, friends and neighbors wore red badges of satin.  They wanted to continue Kiki’s work against illegal drugs.  Parents who worked together in local coalitions to fight against the drug problem made Kiki their model.  They embraced his belief that one person could make a difference.  They adopted the symbol of the red ribbon as their own. 
            From this grass roots beginning grew Red Ribbon Week.  This is held the last week of October nationwide.  In Jacksonville, Florida we campaign against drugs and work hard to warn children and students in school about the dangers and effects of drug use.  When you see red ribbons around Jacksonville and our country, we hope you will remember the story of Kiki and others like him who work hard to “Say No to Drugs.” 
By Grace Wilhelm
  1.  What is the DEA?
  2. How and why was Kiki murdered?
  3. What did Kiki tell his mother about why he wanted to work against drugs?
  4. What does working undercover mean in the second paragraph? 
  5. What does the phrase “wrap up his assignment” mean in the second paragraph?
  6. Write two sentences to describe the career path of Kiki Camarena.  Tell what jobs he held after high school and why he chose those jobs. 
  7. What is a coalition?  (in the third paragraph)
  8. What will you now think of when you see a red ribbon?
  9. Do you think it is important to say “no” to drugs?  Tell why or why not. 
  10. Where is Mexico?
  11. What are some ill effects of drugs on your body?  

October 7, 2015

Chat with the Supe!

Chat with the Supe is an opportunity for the general public to engage in an informal conversation with Dr. Vitti to discuss the key issues, challenges, and concerns for our schools.  Topics include school programs, boundary updates, uniform polices, safety, standardized testing, literacy, implementing STEM curriculum, and improving student performance.

The first meeting will be held on Monday, October 12 from 6:00 -7:00 P.M. at the Town Center Barnes and Noble Bookstore.

October 2, 2015

Jacksonville National College Fair

The district is pleased to present the 4th annual Jacksonville Goes to College Week. The Jacksonville College Fair Planning Committee has created a calendar of events for the Week of October 5-10 that encompasses the district's commitment of equal access to a high quality education for all students and the assurance that students will graduate ready for postsecondary education and/or the competitive workplace. The week has been designed to engage families, communities, school staff, and students in activities that promote college and career access and success.

Jacksonville National College Fair 
Saturday, October 10 
12 pm to 4 pm 
Prime Osborn Convention Center

Admission is FREE! 
Parking is FREE! 

Middle and high school students are encouraged to attend. 

A special pre-fair session for middle school students begins at 10:45 am.