
November 19, 2015

10-2-2 Note Taking

                November- WICOR Strategy of the Month


10 Minute Whole Group Instruction
The instructor lectures/presents information or gives and audio-visual presentation for ten minutes while the students take Cornell Notes. Encourage students to use abbreviations and short-cuts while taking notes.

2 Minutes with a Partner
The instructor then pauses for two minutes while the students take time to process the information by working collaboratively in partners/small groups to do the following:
·         Sharing notes
·         Revising/refining notes
·         Filling in gaps in notes
·         Clarify information/concepts presented
·         Create questions on the left side
During this time students are not allowed to ask the instructor questions; students should rely on the support of peers to assist them in processing the information.

2 Minutes Independently
The students then take two minutes silently to individually process the information and create a one-sentence summary to be placed across the page just below the chunk of notes. The teacher may choose to have students share out their sentence summary as a way to check for understanding.